#3: Why can’t we accept the painful truth about COVID-19?

In this episode of Coronavirus: The Truth, hosts Dr. Robert Pearl and Jeremy Corr delve into a “surprising” topic.

That is, why do the news media and public seem so surprised by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s projection that 100,000 to 200,000 Americans will die from the coronavirus? Why are we so surprised by the rising slope of confirmed cases, which recently eclipsed 140,000 in the United States? Or by President Trump’s decision to extend the social-distancing guidelines through April 30?

As Dr. Pearl explains, public health experts were telling us this information with great accuracy least two weeks ago. And yet, very few people seem eager to listen to the scientific, biological and mathematical facts concerning this pandemic.

So, which coronavirus “surprises” aren’t surprises at all? Are any real surprises in store and, if so, which unpleasant surprises can we get ahead of now? Get the answers on this week’s episode, which focuses on the “surprising” facts surrounding the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Here are the questions covered in episode 3 of Coronavirus: The Truth

[01:34] How did health experts know two weeks ago what the U.S. death rate would be today?

[02:45] Why isn’t Dr. Anthony Fauci’s prediction of 100,000 to 200,000 deaths not surprising at all?

[04:31] Why does New Orleans now have one of the highest coronavirus death rates in the world?

[06:03] Is it likely that President Trump will lift social-distancing measures on April 30?

[09:10] What will happen when we reopen schools, workplaces and restaurants too soon?

[10:59] In 30 days, where will our country stand in terms of slowing or stopping the coronavirus?

[15:12] What are the likeliest social and economic consequences we’re not yet talking about?

[19:11] How do we predict the next phases of this pandemic? What should we be preparing for?

[21:34] Why isn’t the $2.2 trillion emergency relief bill an “economic stimulus package”?

[24:54] Will this pandemic have a long-term impact on the mental health of Americans?

[29:45] Which would be worse: A serious, short-term pandemic or a devastating long-term recession?

[30:12] Should we be doing antibody (serologic) testing on people who recover from coronavirus?

[34:20] Why is there so much disagreement about how many respirators and ventilators we actually need?

This episode is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify and other podcast platforms. To submit a question or comment to the hosts, visit the contact page or send a message on Twitter or LinkedIn.

*To ensure the credibility of this program, Coronavirus: The Truth refuses to accept sponsorship, outside funding sources or guests with any financial or personal conflicts of interest.